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Forte: 600 W LDMOS RF Amplifier - in development


Forte 600 is an open hardware and source project that aims to create a 600 W RF amplifier based on MRF300 LDMOS transistors. This proejct covers not only the amplifier board with transistors but also the low pass filter section, controller, front panel and TX/RX relay board.

This amplifier is designed to cover amateur bands from 1.8 to 30 MHz with full CW output power of 600 W and 50 MHz band (6m) with at least 3 dB below the full output power. Similarly to most of the modern constructions of LDMOS amplifiers it uses TLT (transmission line transformer) allowing for relatively broad band operation. Amplifier has a power supply integrated in its case.

What differentiates the Forte 600 from other amplifiers?

  • All the schematics and PCB files are avaiable for free.
  • Throught harmonics and linearity tests.
  • More complex low noise and temperature characterized gate bias network.
  • Multiple directional couplers in order to detect fault in LPF section.
  • STM32 microcontroller running real time operating system. Responsive interface and fast fault handling.

Basic Specification

  • CW Peak: 600 W (from 5.4 to 18.2 MHz, no LPF)
  • Peak power added efficiency (PAE): 71.8% at 14.15 MHz
  • More than 500 W CW from 3.6 to 30 MHz with PAE ≥ 56.7%
  • 400 W at 1.8 MHz with 48.4% PAE
  • Gain ≥ 17 dB (max input power)
  • Worst case harmonic suppression: 53.89 dBc with added LPFs
  • No tuning required, automatic band switching
  • Multi level fail-safe protections, digital power, SWR, drain current, temperature display
  • STM32F103 microcontroller with FreeRTOS for responsive operation

In depth docummentation

I am currently writting a master thesis about this amplifier. Created document will be published here in pdf format after it goes through the university.


PCBs designed for this amplifier

In the future you will be able to click on each picture to read more about each section. I am still working on documentation.
Deck - PCB with power transistors
Deck - PCB with power transistors
Low pass filters
Controller PCB


  1. RF deck schematics: PDF

  2. LDMOS amplifier controller scehmatics: PDF

  3. Low pass filters schematic: PDF

  4. Transmit and receive relay and input protection schematic: PDF


Below figures show maximum output power, gain and efficiency across HF bands. These results are for the PA deck with no low pass filter.
Deck - PCB with power transistors
Maximum output power and gain
Power added efficiency across HF spectrum
Gain and output power for increasing input at 14.15 MHz


GitHub source code and gerbers

You can visit my GitHub repository in order to download Gerber, KiCad files and code that you can flash to the microcontroller.
KiCad project, BOM, schematics of PA board
Software (v1) I am currently working on v2 based on STM32F411.


Contact me

sp6gk 'at'

Restored tube radio

Here is a demonstration of restored radio from 1938.

Band conditions

Check out my RF amplifiers with distributed matching networks

2.4 GHz PA

Almost assembled fully home made 2.4 GHz power amplifier on LDMOS transistor.

2400 MHz hairpin v1

1.25 GHz small signal amplifier with open stub matching. Active element is BFP420 BJT.

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